Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Water for Elephants

Look who's on the landing page of their school's website?  Small pic, on the right.  http://www.pbs.ac.th/    Too funny!

I decided to film one of my mornings so that people could get a better look at my school.  It's pretty boring stuff, but a work day is a work day no matter where you are living.  If you want to make the video more exciting, feel free to take a drink every time I say 'Good Morning', 'hello', 'like', or 'America'. 


Last weekend, Audrey and I went to Koh Chang ('Elephant Island').  Koh Chang isn't too far from us, but far enough that asking my school if I could take a half day on Friday made sense.  Most people on our program have been to Koh Chang already, and Audrey and I were two of the last to make it there.  It's the second largest island in Thailand (after Phuket) with many beaches, and we were confused about where to stay as a result.  We waivered back and forth between White Sand Beach (the most popular and touristy) and Lonely Beach (more backpackers/travelers), and ended up doing both.  We spent the night in White Sand Beach on Friday, and though the place had potential with some really cool beach bars, the crowd wasn't great.  So, after spending Saturday morning on White Sand, we packed up our stuff and headed to Lonely Beach.

White Sand

The little village at Lonely Beach lined with shops and bars- so cute!

Our waterfront bungalow- again, so cute.  Much nicer than our ant-infested, no-sink-in-the-bathroom bungalow at White Sand.

Lonely Beach- I think they all start to look alike after a while anyway

What does one do on Elephant Island other than hop from beach to beach?  One rides elephants of course!  Late Saturday afternoon, Audrey and I headed out on a jungle trek/bathing with elephants excursion.....

The trainer told the elephant to spray us....

On the trek

There really isn't a much better way to spend a Saturday!  We finished up the trek around 5:00, and on the way back to Lonely Beach, we asked our driver to stop at the scenic lookout point so we could take some pictures as the sun was going down.  The island is really pretty, and though I tried to take pictures when we were driving around in songtheaus, most turned out blurry, so I was glad to have some steady-handed shots.

Me in silhouette

Turns out, we weren't the only people from our program who hadn't been to Koh Chang yet, and we ended up bar hopping in the village with people we ran into on Saturday.  I'd post some pix, but I look like a hot mess in the 100% humidity, so you'll just have to take my word for it that it was a good time :)

Before heading home on Sunday, Audrey rented a motorbike to explore the island and I headed to yet another beach, Kai Bae.  I definitely got the beach fill I was looking for this weekend!

Only two more weekends left before school is over!  I'm super busy at work on all fronts, making time seem like it's going even faster.  There is talk about going to Khao Yai National Park this weekend, but no decisions have been made yet, so we'll see how things unfold.  Until next time...Sawatdee kah!